Titan Rain Services (TRS) is your ONE-STOP- SHOP for developing and honing organizational
excellence through workforce and technology resilience.

TRC delivers diverse and out-side the box solutions to your organization’s resiliency needs by bringing the right expertise.

TRC brings the essential tools, creativity, support, consultation, advise, research, and education and training require to mitigate the risk facing organizations operating in an inter-connected world.


Titan Rain Services, LLC (TRS) is a cutting-edge services and consulting company providing unparallelled expertise in cybersecurity resilience and healthcare services advisory; strategic workforce and leadership development; and on-demand training. Focus areas include but are not limited to active enterprise cyber resilience advisory (e.g., virtual CISO service); healthcare/wellness services; governance, risk, and compliance services; organization design and workforce development; risk assessments; policy; cyber-driven risk management; infrastructure, global standards/best practices, and management advisory. TRS is an industry disruptor providing “Big 3” consulting quality at a fiscally responsible price. TRS’s unique approach to client-first consulting service ensures organizations get best-in-value solutions to address current and future needs related to organizational resiliency. TRS is an experienced solution provider across healthcare, transportation, defense, information technology, energy,
communications, chemical, financial, manufacturing, agriculture, federal/state/local government, emergency services, utility, real estate, and academic sectors.



To provide affordable cutting-edge, high-quality healthcare/wellness, information technology, cybersecurity, leadership, and workforce development services worldwide.


To build agility, capability, security, and resiliency in a dynamic business environment, to enable organizational effectiveness.


  • Integrity

    Never wavering in truthfulness and reliability, and always empowering the team to act in ways consistent with our values.

  • Performance Excellence

    Achieve organizational excellence through an integrated approach of delivering exceptional organization strategy, planning, leadership, workforce development, information technology, and cybersecurity services.

  • Customer Excellence

    To provide an exceptional experience to every client every time. To ensure every team member experiences a culture of respect and appreciation.

  • Teamwork

    Foster cohesion that focuses on a servant leadership approach across the organization. Creating a culture of respect, appreciation, and learning to develop an exceptional team.

  • Innovation

    Always examining better ways to deliver the most advanced, emerging, and cost-effective services that result in optimal outcomes.


  • Healthcare/Wellness Consulting
  • Cyber-Driven Enterprise Resilience
  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance (Healthcare and Cybersecurity)
  • Organizational Optimization
Speaking Engagements:
  • Leadership
  • Cyber Resilience
  • Workforce Development
  • Emerging Healthcare Trends
Policy and Assessments:
  • Cybersecurity
  • Healthcare Compliance
  • Regulatory Policy
  • Operational Policy
  • Industry & International Standards
Training: (see training tab above)
  • 24/7 Competency Based On-Demand IT/Cyber Education and Training
  • Transformational-Servant Leadership Integration into Organizational Culture




R. “Montana” Williams is the Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Titan Rain Services, LLC. TRS is a full-service consulting, strategic, policy, compliance, health/wellness, and people, processes, and technology advisory firm focused on creating organizational resilience within
entities across all industry sectors. He guides & executes TRS’s global strategy, directs the lines of business, superintends corporate engagement, & serves as TRS’s cyber resilience and workforce development expert. Mr. Williams has built a renowned organization that provides
organizational optimization strategy, cyber resiliency, health/wellness, workforce development, leadership enhancement solutions to enabling organizational resiliency. TRS supports various larger consulting firms that provide highly specialized independent executive consulting
services. Mr. Williams is a visionary senior executive with over 3 decades of corporate and government experience in operations, organizational resilience, and workforce training/ development across most government and private sectors. He is passionate advocate for global cyber resiliency, and as such, he is the Co-Director of the Cybersecurity Experiential Education & Training Information Sharing & Analysis Organization (CEETI ISAO) & serves on the Board of Directors for the National Elections Security ISAO. Furthermore, he is an adjunct professor at California State University-San Bernardino teaching cyber risk management & cybersecurity. Finally, Mr. Williams is a Certified Workforce Development Professional by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals.

Dr. Julie Woodward is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Titan Rain Services, LLC. TRS is a full-service consulting, strategic, policy, compliance, health/wellness, and people, processes, and technology advisory firm focused on creating organizational resilience within entities across all industry sectors. TRS has quickly grown into a renowned organization that provides organizational optimization strategy, cyber resiliency, health/wellness, workforce development, leadership enhancement solutions to enabling organizational resiliency. TRS supports various larger consulting firms that provide highly specialized independent executive consulting services. Dr. Woodward brings extensive business operations experience to TRS, as a board-certified medical provider, she is an expert in health/wellness, healthcare informatics, healthcare-related information security, and medical services/operations delivery, having previously served as a Fortune 25 executive. As a specialist in healthcare informatics, she is
well-versed in implementing sound policy and processes to integrate systems to protect patient health information (PHI). Additionally, she provides solutions for Electronic Health Records and data analytic systems, that ensure the utmost in information protection. She oversees day-to-day operations; in addition, provides specialized consulting to the healthcare industry on improving organizational processes related to patient-center care/wellness, and technology applications with the healthcare environment.

Dr. Julie Woodward, DNP, NP-BC, MBA


Contact Us

    R. “Montana” Williams, Lt. Col, USAF (ret), CWDP

    Co-Founder, Managing Partner

    Titan Rain Services, LLC

    m: 702-743-7143

    fax: 702-995-8986



    Accredited Service Disabled Veteran-Owned

    Small Business